Drop Down Menu without scripts


I want to create a drop down menu like the one found at <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://asylum.steelramp.com/asylum/main/main.shtml">http://asylum.steelramp.com/asylum/main/main.shtml</a><!-- m --> but I have to do it without using any types of scripts as some of my visitors use webtv which will not support javascript.<br />
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Any suggestions or solutions please?<!--content-->You can't make drop down menus with just HTML. I don't think you can avoid using javascript if you want to achieve something like the example you gave.<!--content-->You could try java, see here:<br />
- <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.realapplets.com/appletpage.asp?dir=cascademenu&page=example1">http://www.realapplets.com/appletpage.a ... e=example1</a><!-- m --> <br />
- <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://javaboutique.internet.com/navigation/">http://javaboutique.internet.com/navigation/</a><!-- m --> (lots here)<!--content-->One of my friends said it might be possible with a mouse over div command but he didn't know how :( I will try some of the examples you left.<br />
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Thanks for the help :)<!--content-->Hi Primitive Milk,<br />
this is a html menu.<br />
This is a left menu.<br />
You can use it as a top menu this way:<br />
<table><tr> <br />
<td> table menu1</td> <td> table menu2</td> <td> table menu3</td><br />
</tr> </table><!--content-->If you're worried about webTV users (and personally I wouldn't - there are limits :) ) then this might help you figure out what DHTML/JavaScript you can and can't use: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://developer.msntv.com/Develop/Javascript.asp">http://developer.msntv.com/Develop/Javascript.asp</a><!-- m --><br />
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Neil<!--content-->petervazed,<br />
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i looked at the code for the table drop thing you made but i notice that some of the code isnt supported by netscape at all like the div style= position:absolute<br />
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netscape doesnt support that, and it doesnt support alot of css.<!--content-->that code also uses javascript. As do most dhtml menu systems... or ones that use divs. All div are are page divisions. <br />
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Seriously though, web tv doesn't support javascript?<!--content-->If you want a low-tech menu that isn't totally uncool, you could try HTML/CSS with good old form widgets - not that exciting but reliable and, not as ugly as they used to be. A matter of opinion...try this if you're interested.<!--content-->but, the scripting that makes that work is javascript.<!--content-->...picky, picky, picky...<br />
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OK, Doc - ya got me! Just a wee bit, though; I would have replaced it with a button submission but, no sense getting too retro here. How 'bout them oranges, though?<br />
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kite ;)<!--content-->