Drop Down Menu To List


Hi all, thanx always for the great help I get here.<br /><br />I have been tweeking The Address Book that I run on my www site to run on my mobile site.<br /><br />TAB has a drop down menu that is used to select a Group inwhich people a listed. When a new Group is selected an sql query is run and the appropriate results are shown.<br /><br />When I run this on my mobile site no sql query is run as they mobile system here in Japan doesnt seem set up for this function.<br /><br />I'm wanting to either convert the drop down menu to a list that links to the same results OR add a GO button to force the change.<br /><br />Is this easily done?<br /><br />Here's some code from my php....<br /><br /> <TR><br /> <TD><br /><br /> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=240><br /> <TR VALIGN="bottom"><br /> <TD CLASS="headTitle"><?php echo("$group_name"); ?></TD><br /> <TD CLASS="headText" ALIGN=right><br /> <FORM NAME="selectGroup" METHOD="get" ACTION="<?php echo(FILE_LIST); ?>"><br /> Select Area <SELECT NAME="groupid" CLASS="formSelect" onChange="document.selectGroup.submit();"><br /><?php<br /> // -- GENERATE GROUP SELECTION LIST --<br />// Only admins can view hidden entries.<br />if ($_SESSION['usertype'] == "admin") {<br />$groupsql = "SELECT groupid, groupname FROM " . TABLE_GROUPLIST . " AS grouplist WHERE groupid >= 0 ORDER BY groupname";<br />}<br />else {<br />$groupsql = "SELECT groupid, groupname FROM " . TABLE_GROUPLIST . " AS grouplist WHERE groupid >= 0 AND groupid != 2 ORDER BY groupname";<br />}<br /> $r_grouplist = mysql_query($groupsql, $db_link);<br /> while ($tbl_grouplist = mysql_fetch_array($r_grouplist)) {<br /> $selectGroupID = $tbl_grouplist['groupid'];<br /> $selectGroupName = $tbl_grouplist['groupname'];<br /> echo(" <OPTION VALUE=$selectGroupID");<br /> if ($selectGroupID == $group_id) {<br /> echo(" SELECTED");<br /> }<br /> echo(">$selectGroupName</OPTION>顧