drop down menu text wrap


I've been trying to figure out a way to make a drop down menu that would have the text wrap. I know how to change the width of it, the only thing it that the Titles of stuff in that drop down menu are so long that they just get cut off. I can't shorten them because they are article titles.<br />
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Is there any way to perhaps wrap the text? <br />
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My only other tacky option would be to manually make the entries on 2 lines and just make them go to the same url.<br />
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That's going to be laborious with 80 articles.<br />
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I appreciate everyone's help :)<!--content-->you can't have it word wrap<!--content-->So what would you do?<!--content-->nothing. you need to make the text smaller. or don't use a drop down.<!--content-->I dont think those are options :(<br />
I think the font would turn out way too small.<br />
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We'll see what I can do.<br />
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Thanks tho<!--content-->you are very limited when you change the text in a select box. the reason is the the select box is a windowed-element. you have very little control over this element. I meant make the title smaller not the font. don't make the title so long.<br />
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very little control unless you make your own. and tha tI mean you make a dhtml menu and use mouseover or onclick and stuff.<!--content-->Oh I see what you mean about the titles, that's not an option either: they aren't my articles. I don't know why people have to make their article titles a mile long!<br />
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I'll see what I can do.<br />
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Thanks :)<br />
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I think I might try a dhtml menu. That's a good idea actually.<!--content-->Thanks for the suggestion. I just used one of the menus from dynamic drive. It works fine.<br />
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Why didn't i think of it? It's not the first time i use this menu..lol<br />
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