Drop down menu question


Is there a "target" option for drop down menus? I have a drop down menu on a site of mine and I want to have the page open in a different frame rather than an entire new window, is this possible? Thanks.<br />
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-Brad<!--content-->Are you specifically talking about HTML form controls? Drop-down is a pretty generic term these days. If it's a select list in an HTML form, the form itself supports a target attribute, but it's not generally used in this fashion. Whatever it is, with client-side scripting - possibly even just HTML - you can do it. If you're more specific, you'll get exact descriptions.<!--content-->Most frequently "drop down" means a select so I guess this is what you need:<br />
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<select onChange="top.frames.framename.location.href=http://www.htmlforums.com/archive/index.php/this.options[this.selectedIndex].value"><br />
<option value="lazydino1" selected> home page </option><br />
<option value="lazydino2.htm">Account Information</option><br />
<option value="lazydino3.htm">Profiles...</option><br />
<option value="lazydino4.htm">dirty pictures</option><br />
<option value="lazydino5.htm">Dino Q&A</option><br />
</select><br />
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The targeted frame should be named, and the in the onChange event<br />
just change "framename" to the name of the frame<!--content-->