Drop down menu help


Staff member
I have been working on two sites, one I would like to use menus that drop down on mouse over and have no borders I'm using front page. I can't seem to work this out. Any help would be appreicated. <br />
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<!-- w --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.browardhomes.org">www.browardhomes.org</a><!-- w --> <br />
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mdsouza<!--content-->in Front page you are very limited. if you want a menu like that you need to look at this<br />
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CoolMenu (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.dhtmlcentral.com/">http://www.dhtmlcentral.com/</a><!-- m -->) <br />
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click on the projects tab. but see the menu you run your mouse over is the same one. <br />
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this menu is cool (no joke) and will run on most browsers and very editable to go in frames or not.<!--content-->I would highly suggest dropping Frontpage. Its code is extremely proprietary and will not carry to other programs. I have used Macromedia Dreamweaver to create some very nice menu's. If you use version 4.0 you need to Download <!--more--> an extension but it is provided with version MX. You can go to <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.odd7.com">www.odd7.com</a><!-- w --> and see one site with menu's I created with MX. This is just a test site so don't be too harsh....<br />
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Jared<!--content-->I have to agree, there arent many options for those sort of menu designs in Frontpage, if any. You can use layers with div tags, changing the visiblility on mouseover and mouseout events from visible to hidden. I found that method to be the easiest. But, menus like Scoutt mentioned, the Cool Menus, can be easier and much less code. Good luck.<!--content-->When I need to make a menu like what you are talkng about I use Fireworks 4 to create the menu then save it and play around with the code in notepad.<!--content-->I like to thank all for the suggestions I did go to the various site that were recommended. After a week or so of looking around I think the one. (If all could be so easy) <br />
I found a site <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.simplythebest.net">www.simplythebest.net</a><!-- w --> they offer freeware and shareware scripts.<br />
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Once again Thank You.<br />
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