drop down menu & back ground colour?


How do I, like, set the back ground colour of a drop down menu?<!--content-->this is more than you need but what the heck...<br />
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<option value="Web Site"> Web Site</option> <br />
<option value="Question"> Question</option> <br />
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<textarea name=it cols=25 rows=4 style="background-color: black; color:blue;">Sure, it's done with CSS. I'm moving this topic over to Cross Platform Layout. I don't have any examples on hand, hopefully someone will provide some, otherwise I'll dig them up a little later for you.<br />
</textarea><br />
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<input type=text style="background-color: #cccccc; color: green" value="more..."><br />
<br><br><br />
<select name=""><br />
<option selectd>option Black</option><br />
<option style="color: red">option Red</option><br />
<option style="color: blue">option Blue</option><br />
<option style="color: green">option Green</option><br />
<option style="color: yellow">option Yellow</option><br />
<option style="color: #cccccc">option Grey</option><br />
</select><br />
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