drop down country box - too wide


I've built a shopping cart, country is chosen from a drop down box. the problem is the width of the box is set by the width of the widest country name.<br />
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Ok, I can live with that, but is is all different widths in NS, depending on the version and the platform. <br />
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Is there someway I can make it be the same width regardless or the platform, or the browser?<br />
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I've tried sstyle sheets, but I still get the same problem.<!--content-->not that I'm aware of. NS renders the form properties a lot different. i.e. the text box, drop down box....etc<!--content-->OK, if I cna't set it the sames widths, is there some way to do a MAC/PC sniff? NS seems to do different things on a MAC than on a PC so I ened a different apge for both.<br />
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Anyone?<!--content--><script language="JavaScript"><br />
<!--<br />
if (navigator.appVersion.toLowerCase().indexOf('mac') !=-1)<br />
{ alert('this is a MAC'); }<br />
//--><br />