dreamweaver or frontpage


hey all!<br />
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I usually use notepad to make my websites but i want to try out frontpage or dreamweaver...<br />
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I know you will all say its best to learn the code, i know, i have been doing that, but i am wondering if i was going to get one, which should it be?<br />
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thanks all!<!--content-->Frontpage is NEVER the answer. The latest Dreamweaver is probably the best of the WYSIWYG lot but you'd really be better off with something in between -- intelligent text edit with real time preview. Check out HTML-Kit (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.htmlkit.com">http://www.htmlkit.com</a><!-- m -->) for a good example of that and a price you won't believe compared to DW.<!--content-->I first got HTML-kit over 2 years ago and still havent moved on.. Chami's HTML-kit is an amazing peice of software. I use it for everything from ASP to Java.<br />
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Frontpage 2003 and above are also great. And, of coarse, DW is good also.<br />
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My preference in order:<br />
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- HTML-kit<br />
- FP 2003 or newer<br />
- DW MX<br />
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Regards.<!--content-->hand coding is the way forward, as far as im concerned neither dreamweaver nor frontpage are options. <br />
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but it certainly helps to have a nice editor like EditPlus (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.editplus.com">http://www.editplus.com</a><!-- m -->) with features like syntax highlighting - after about 5 minutes you'll realise that notepad just doesnt have enough power for development work<!--content-->Of the two, I would go with Dreamweaver. Granted I have Dreamweaver 4 and it sits and collects dust while I do stuff in EditPlus.<!--content-->Dreamweaver is good for quickly inserting content into a template, otherwise, it will produce code that is very hard to unpick should you wish to modify at a later date. <br />
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If you hand code then stick at it, the added time pays off when it comes to site maintainance and modifcation at a later date. I use Macromedia's HomeSite 5. It's just a text editor at heart but it can autocomplete tags, do site-wide find and replace, color maps, form wizards and so on... I think there's a free version available on the web (presumably bought by macromedia at some point) at:<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.webattack.com/get/homesitefree.shtml">http://www.webattack.com/get/homesitefree.shtml</a><!-- m --> <br />
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DON'T even think about using FrontPage unless you want foul wart infested bloated maggot ridden html.<br />
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Cheers<!--content-->*Download <!--more-->s it*<br />
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thanks for your help. I have dreamweaver...the trial and it seems complicated, i tend to go into it and mod the code cuz i dont like hunting options down, lol<!--content-->