Dreamweaver-Good or Bad for valid code?


I've just been on day one of a Dreamweaver (2004) course and as a 'hand coder' and fan of hand coding, I'm quite impressed (so far!!!) by how clean the code is! I may become unimpressed soon.<br />
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My question is this, does anyone use Dreamweaver and is the code really as clean is it appears at the moment! Having at one stage been sent on a FrontPage course (and finding that it was dross!) I'm worried that I may be getting my hopes up that it's actually quite good!<br />
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The course tutor tells me that the code will validate.....using an in-built Dreamweaver validator.<br />
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I'm interested to hear anyone's experiences of the product.<br />
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My boss has plans that I will be able to write an intranet with it with a database using Coldfusion (to be frank, I don't even know what Coldfusion is!!!) My experience in databases so far extends to Access and that's about it! <br />
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I guess I have 2 questions, is it possible to create a database with Coldfusion and does dreamweaver produce code that validates.....correctly!<br />
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Thanks!<!--content-->Well having never used DW I'm not going to comment on it, however if you want to check the validity of the code then you can just use the W3C validators.<br />
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They have one for markup (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://validator.w3.org">http://validator.w3.org</a><!-- m -->) and one for CSS (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/">http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/</a><!-- m -->).<!--content-->The course tutor tells me that the code will validate.....using an in-built Dreamweaver validator. I don't know anything about DW but I suspect the built in validator is HTML Tidy, which is pretty good. I also have read that some of DW's validation problems can be fixed through editing its macro language bindings.<br />
I don't even know what Coldfusion is It is one of the server parsed HTML engines like ASP and PHP. Many people like it.<br />
is it possible to create a database with Coldfusion No. You create a database with a database manager. CF has good database query and update support for your applications.<!--content-->Thanks for your advice!<br />
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I've now finished the Dreamweaver course and quite like it! My JavaScript ain't great, but it does look like it may generate quite a lot of stuff, however, there are a lot of features in it that I really like and I think a combination of hand-code and a lot of the features it contains (link checking, synchronization etc...) are very worthwhile. Also when creating a stylesheet, drop-down boxes with attributes appear which is quite nice.<br />
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Anyway, thanks a lot!<!--content-->I'm a lazy hand-coder - I create a template by hand but then will use DreamWeaver to plug in the content (I use use a split screen just to keep an eye on things, in case DW starts doing something odd).<!--content-->i used it to convert to xhtml and it did a nice job of that<!--content-->I've been using Dreamweaver for years. I prefer hand coding. However, Dreamweaver鎶