Dragging and Dropping


i have an idea for a web site that involves users filing in a form with details then either browsing to a file or dragging and dropping the file directly onto any area on my site. This information plus the file should then somehow be uploaded to my site. <br />
How on earth do i go about doing this because so far i am going round in circles. <br />
Thanks & hope you can help!!!<!--content-->not possible in todays standards. you can however fill in a form and have that form be saved as a file that gets put into your site. but the user can't decide where it goes. you will have to use SSI to have it load in the page when done and serverside langauge to save the form.<!--content-->with an animation would be the only way I can figure out.<br />
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Example would be that when form is filled out have the user click or mouseover on a send button which would have a pop-up flash of the form being folded up and drug to an image of an out box. <br />
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It would seem that with mouseover tricks and animation something close to what you are looking for would be possible. But like scoutt said I doubt if there is anyway this kind of action can be coded.<br />
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You will need CGI help that you may find <-Here-> (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.cgidir.com/">http://www.cgidir.com/</a><!-- m -->) <br />
:)<!--content-->The browser itself has drag and drop built in, so you can drop JPGS or HTML files or TXT files in it, and THE BROWSER will load it. The webpage, just a file IN THE PROGRAM, won't let it's contents "reach out" like that. The makers of Netsape and Internet Explorer would be thinking about making the browsers work seamlessly on Mac OS and Windows, not tinker with allowing the occasional programmer do advanced uploads in their pages. I sadly guarentee you won't see such a feature for a long time.<br />
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But I like the idea. I think I'll start compliling a list of GOOD IDEAS that can't be done, post it on my website someday, just to start TEASING the programmers out there to remove the hardcoding and make creativity easier.<!--content-->