Dragging a rotated div simultaneously with an image


New Member
I have two divs. One with a border, same size of an image.
  • When I have a image (Tweet image, not rotated) it works.
  • When i move the rotated image (clown image), the div moves unwanted (at start drag)
  • The image is not at the same location.
How to solve this problem with css / jquery?\[code\]// putting images on screan$("#img1").css({"top": "200px", "left": "100px"});$("#img1").myrotate();$("#img2").css({"top": "100px", "left": "300px"});$("#img2").myrotate(); // rotating image 2 rotateMe($("#img2"), 45);rotateMe(selectedDiv, 45);// here is the problemdiv.draggable({ drag: function() { id = $(this).attr("id").substring(3); var pos = $(this).position(); $("#" + id).css({"top": pos.top + "px", "left": pos.left + "px"}); }});\[/code\]Fiddle over here