downloading a PDF


We have lots of PDFs on our website but they can only be opened - Is there code that can allow them to be Download <!--more-->ed to the hard drive - simplest method being - right click / save target as....<!--content-->that would be the way<!--content-->You could put them into a zip file then link to that. It is a matter of convincing the browser the file type clicked on it a Download <!--more--> type.<br />
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<a href=""> Download <!--more--> </a><br />
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Or as you already suggested, just post a notice.<br />
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Left click to view, right click to Download <!--more-->.<!--content-->i believe there is a javascript that enables all links to remote files to be Download <!--more-->ed on click... i'm not 100% sure on this, but i have seen it before.<br />
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chris<pixelmonkey>:monkey:<!--content-->when you link to the pdf the browser opens it (if the appropriate software is installed). <br />
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You could then view it, or save it.<!--content-->