I have an application that generates 50,000 records containing certain information. Once generated and saved to the database, the user can download the records as csv any time they like from a control panel.The problem I am getting is that it can take anything up to 40+ seconds to generate the CSV. But by the time its finished processing, the browser no longer tries to download it. Instead it just hangs.I have currently set a high timeout value so the processing won't timeout. Also I need to it be generated on the fly as it needs to contain related live data in with it.Does anyone know why it doesn't download after waiting for the file to generate?Heres the headers I respond with once generated:\[code\]//**generate the csv as string here, and then...**Response.Clear();Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", string.Format("attachment;filename=file_{0}.csv", batchId));Response.ContentType = "text/csv";Response.Write(csv);Response.End();\[/code\]