Downloadable Links


Hi<br />
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I'm new to these discussion boards but have decided to used them as I'm experiencing problems I can't find answers too.<br />
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I've created a website- Instant Resale Products (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->) for digital products. my queary is-<br />
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I'm using Frontpage 2002 and I'm hosted with Third sphere and want to create the Download <!--more-->able links so that after someone purchases from the site they are taken to a thankyou page were there is a link to Download <!--more--> the digital product.<br />
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How do I create Download <!--more--> link with frontpage?<br />
How and were do i store the files on the hosting account?-does frontpage automatically do this for me?<br />
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Hope I've explained it properly.<br />
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Kind Regards<br />
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WAZ<!--content-->The simplest answer is create a link with the product in the href attribute such as if your Download <!--more-->able prodcut is in zip format it would look like this<br />
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<a href="">Download <!--more--> Myproduct</a><br />
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Now when a user clicks on the above link the browser should bring up the save as dialogue box.<br />
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You will need to save all of the files at your hosting sites folder that is assigned to you.<!--content-->actually it doenst even need to be a zip. It can be any file type a browser cannot handle like you can just provide a link to a .exe file if you wanted too but thats beside the point :)<!--content-->Thanks khalid,dave & peofeo<br />
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The info you have all supplied is exellent although i'm not sur how to go about yours Dave, but i shall do some reading on the subject.<br />
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Here is another problem i've come across:-<br />
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Just received an affilliate link <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> to send clients to. The problem is that when tried to place the address into my 'hyperlinks' in Frontpage 2002 it comes up:<br />
<br />
------------------------------------------------------- <br />
'there is no editor configure for PL files' <br />
<br />
'do you want to save <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> to file?' <br />
------------------------------------------------------ <br />
Question is what does this mean?<br />
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Once again thanks.<br />
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Waz<!--content-->Just curious...<br />
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How hard it is to put your code in a text editor and try it with your browser???<br />
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FrontPage and the alikes might cause more problem then they help...<br />
and I am positive most of the people in this forum don't even have FrontPage nor they use it..<br />
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:D<!--content-->I have it but I hate it. It came with offic xp bahh. I use dreamweaver and good old notepad :)<!--content-->Originally posted by PeOfEo <br />
I use dreamweaver and good old notepad :)<br />
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Rock on, Notepad! :p I don't have DW (DreamWeaver), but I hear it's a really good WYSIWYG editor...<br />
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By the way, anyone have the XP version of Windows Notepad that they can send me? I need the updated version but I haven't been able to find it online anywhere--it's the one with the find/replace and status bar (for line and col). <br />
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Jona<!--content-->Originally posted by Dave Clark <br />
Moderator's note: That would be illegal. This site will not help promote illegal activities. Don't make such a request in these forums again -- or your membership could be revoked. Thanks. <br />
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Wait a second, back up here, Dave. I didn't know that was illegal! Honestly. I just was wondering if I could get my windows Notepad updated, that's all. I had no earthly idea that it was against the law. I'm really sorry!<br />
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Jona<!--content-->Thanks for letting me know, man. I had no earthly idea. Thanks.<br />
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Here's another thing, I have another computer with XP on it. Would it be legal to put that version of Notepad from the XP onto this Me-version laptop?<br />
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Jona<!--content-->OK, I see. Thanks for filling me in--I didn't know there were any legalities on it, because after all, it's the same company's product. :p<br />
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Jona<!--content-->we are talking about notepad right lol, cant you get it free off of anyway lol. Usually when people are going to pirate something its more pricy like windows server 2k3 or dreamweaver mx or windows xp pro or something like that. I dont think people would bother trying to get a pirated copy of notepad though like its really sought after.<!--content-->Originally posted by PeOfEo <br />
we are talking about notepad right lol, cant you get it free off of anyway lol.<br />
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I've searched everywhere on the Web... I haven't been able to find it anywhere--but now that I know it's illegal, my search has ended.<br />
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Jona<!--content-->I've got ME on my pc at home and I thought that I'd buy XP, simply because it's supposed to work better with AMD Athlon CPU's. It might have improved my PC performance not that I noticed but while it was installed I hated it, so if you want I'll sell you my copy of XP Home.<!--content-->No, that's okay. :) <br />
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Jona<!--content-->Ah well, my loss. I should really think of a better sales pitch; buy this from me, it's crap and I don't want it.<!--content-->but I thought for sure microsoft offered a web design tweaked version of notepad for free on their site, If you know vb why are you looking for notepad lol I can make something equal to notepad in under a half an hour its not terribly complicated.<!--content-->Originally posted by PeOfEo <br />
If you know vb why are you looking for notepad lol I can make something equal to notepad in under a half an hour its not terribly complicated. <br />
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I don't know VB, but I understand enough to make a text editing program. ;) Thing is, I don't really have the time to go back to my old VB compiler and throw something together. Wait, there's an idea there though. I just found a freeware VB compiler for free off of <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://Download">http://Download</a><!-- m --> <!--more--> and it works pretty well. I think I'll make a word processor of my own.. lol, Thanks for the idea. I might work on that some other time. ;)<br />
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Jona<!--content-->i could make u one. I have vb6 enterprise on this comp. A legal version I might add. I needed it for school a while back and I saw it at a comp show cheap so I bought it.<!--content-->Do you have any instant messaging programs? (All of mine are revealed in my profile.) Just tryin' to speed things up. ;)<br />
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Edit: I just saw your profile has your AIM s/n. I added you, but you appear to be unavailable.<br />
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Also, I don't request that you make one for me, but I was hoping that you might help me make one. :D<br />
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