Downloadable jpg, pdf, etc


Hey all,<br />
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I maintain a site for a friends band and they have asked me to set up a link so clients can click and Download <!--more--> their promo shot. I have a copy of the shot that I can scan in. I need to make sure that it stays about 8" x 10" in size.<br />
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Here are my questions:<br />
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1) Do you think I should save it as a jpg, or as a pdf or other doctype? I need to make it accessible for people who Download <!--more--> it to just open and print. I was thinking pdf would do this.<br />
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2) How do I code this? Is it just a simple link, such as:<br />
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<a href="Download <!--more-->s/promo.pdf"> Click to Download <!--more--> </a><br />
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...or is there more that should be done?<br />
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Thanks in advance for any help you can provide!<!--content-->Most persons know that all you need do is to right click the image and a context box will pop up. click on copy and paste it to somewhere in the computer. Or go to file and click "Print" to print it. You might want to note that in the page for those who don't know. Bare in mind that the larger the image on the page, the longer it will take to load. A JPG is my pick.<br />
If the file is in a folder named Download <!--more-->s, yes, if you want to do it that way.<!--content-->I wouldnt say pdf would be a good option, particularly if it's effectively a picture you're putting up.<br />
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I would go with JPG on a fairly low compression ratio, or if you can really be bothered then a TIFF would be much higher quality (and lossless I think), but would be a very large Download <!--more-->. If you do a thumbnail of it (ie make it about 200 pix wide) and then hyperlink to it as you've said, then people will click on it and it will display. Bare in mind though that if it's a JPEG it will be displayed in the browser, and people will have to right click on it and go to "save as" (or some such) to actually save it to their HDD.<br />
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Also bare in mind that though you say you want it to be 8" x 10", that's going to be difficult to enforce, as it were. If they've Download <!--more-->ed it then people will resize it and fit it to pages etc, but there's not much you can do to get around that. Even if you did put it into a pdf, people would still be able to get it out of there to mess around with it.<br />
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IMHO anyway...<!--content-->Hey guys,<br />
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Thanks for the input. What I am exactly after is this: I want a link on a page that, when clicked, will Download <!--more--> the pic to the users hard drive. I won't have a thumbnail for it and it won't be visible on the site... only the link would be.<br />
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The idea is the client would click on it to get it onto thier machine. I don't really expect many of these clients to be savvy enough to even right click and Download <!--more--> a pic off of this band site. I also don't expect them to do much, if anything with the pic once Download <!--more-->ed. I want it to be as painless for them as possible to simply Download <!--more--> the pic and print it "as is". This is the reason I thought I would go with pdf, as all OS's seem able to open and print these.<br />
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What do you think?<!--content-->