Download word files from web page


Hi.<br />
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Im trying to put out word dokuments on the web. These pages are BIG!!! and I need to reformate the text before I publish it. Then I got the idea that the users could Download <!--more--> the word file and wiew the original piece on their computer. <br />
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I tried to do this, but cant get it right. Most of my web area is protected by .htaccess and all users need a password to get in to this area. <br />
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What kind of tags should i use to Download <!--more--> files? Is it best to zip it first?<br />
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Thomas<!--content-->I believe you just need to place the location of the file in a standard <a href> tag:<br />
<br />
Click <a href="documentlocation/yourfile.doc">here</a> to Download <!--more--> the Word file.<br />
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It probably won't hurt to Zip it before you make available, but you may want to post both zipped and non-zipped files in case someone doesn't have WinZip.<br />
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HTH<br />
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-- Sillyfish<!--content-->Hello Tomas, <br />
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This is correct, what you are trying to do is very simple indeed. To make a file Download <!--more-->able from your site you simply put it in a standard <a href=""> tag like this example...<br />
<br />
<a href="directory/"><br />
<br />
It is smart to make the file into .zip seeing as how most people contain winzip on there computer. I hope this was of some help, best regards.<br />
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-Ryan Russell<!--content-->I have tried all that. I have even tried to place the file outide the protected area, but it still ask for password. It looks like the server is set up to not accept Download <!--more-->s.<!--content-->Is the entire web site run under .htaccess? Do you have and area that is not secure that you could post the document to? <br />
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Try creating a "Download <!--more-->_docs" folder in an area not protected by .htaccess, then just point the <a href> to that location.<br />
You could also send all users who wish to Download <!--more--> your documents to an "unrestricted" area for all Download <!--more-->s (as long as there is nothing that would require the security needed for the password-protected area of your site.).<br />
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HTH<br />
-sillyfish<!--content-->I have made up my web area in two parts. Part one is for all users, part two is for users with passwords. This area is protected by .htaccess, but is still on the same server. <br />
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I have tried to put the documentation on the unprotected part of the server, but i still cant Download <!--more--> without problems. It always ask for network password. This is not the passwords that I use with .htaccess or the one that I use to enter the server (HyperTerminal).<br />
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I use free web space at the server that my ISP gives me, with all cgi/pearl access and telnet access to the linux server.<br />
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I could try to place this information on a remote server, but how do I send them over there in a new window?<!--content-->Hello,<br />
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To send people to a page in a new window you use a regular <a href> tag and at the end add 'target="_blank"' like this<br />
<br />
<a href="" target="_blank">HTMLForums</a>'<br />
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For the server problems I suggest you contact HTAccess. Or you can try linking the file to your computer like this <br />
<a href="WINDOWS/DESKTOP/FOLDER/">File Name</a><br />
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Good Luck<br />
-Ryan Russell<!--content-->