Download Link


I am a VERY new "Newby" to HTML etc and want to create my own web site for my Business. I only want to create a very simple site but also allow visitors to Download <!--more--> some files form it (an MS Ecell Spreadsheet & and an app created in VB).<br />
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Can anyone point me to a tutorial to help with this or tell me step by step how to set this up.<br />
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Thank you<!--content--><a href="Path/To/">Yadda yadda</a><br />
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End of the tutorial. ;) <br />
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Frankly, you just link to anything you want the user to Download <!--more-->. Since Word and some other programs can be configured to open inside IE it's better to zip those files up.<!--content-->Also, <br />
if you are making it in word, when you click insert, hyperlink you can do that..<br />
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esher2292:)<!--content-->If you link to a *.exe file, a dialog box will come up asking if you want to install and run the program. If your program doesn't have a certificate it will say so.<!--content-->