Download link for *.txt file

Hi I want users to be able to Download <!--more--> a text file to their computer. How can I do this so that the link doesn't open in the browser window but prompts for a Download <!--more--> location window?<br />
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<a href=''>Download <!--more--> here!</a><br />
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Thanks<!--content-->Use this instead:<br />
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Right Click the <a href="textfile.txt" title="Right Click this Link, and Select the'Save As' Option.">Download <!--more--> Link</a> and select the Save As option from the pop up menu.<br />
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Hover over the link, before you click it.<!--content-->Or you can just ZIP it! This has two advantages: starts Download <!--more--> on click and takes less space on server (not that a text file takes much space...)<!--content-->I was just trying to be simple. I cant make it a zip file because my php script makes a dynamic file as a dump of the database as a *.sql file which opens in the browser.<br />
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Thanks for you help!<!--content-->than the only choice you have is right click and save target as.<br />
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or you say that php is making the text file so you can have php make it a zip file. has a lot do do with the headers so look into that and using some zip classes you can find out on the net.<!--content-->