Double Signature


New Member
Hello there,

I have one question. I am interested in creating a double signature in my vbulletin board. I mean when Moderators, reply and comment on their own forum they can show forum rules or some stick threads in their signature, and when they comment on to other forums they will show their own "normal" signature. This is good for helping people. Is there some plugin or option for this?
Thanks in advance
There Is No Plugin...

But You Can Put In Links For Your Rules...


Try That...Or Just Put In Links So Other Members Can See..
Dear ChopSuey thank you for your reply.
But I still wish to shown forum rules and stick threads only at the specific forum but not at all board. So if Moderator is moderating "Hardware" only to show hardware forum rules at Hardware, but not everywhere. Anyway thank you again.
Then Make A New Post, Saying

" Hardware Forum Rules "

And Put In The Rules, Then Stick & Close.

For Other Forums Do The Same:
" (Name Of Forum) Rules "

Post Rules, Close And Stick Thread.
