dont evaluate tags


what is the tag to tell the browser not to interpret a tag but to display it as is. For instace if this were the HTML of a document<br />
<br />
This text<br>is all on one line<br />
<br />
would normally display<br />
<br />
This text<br />
is all one one line<br />
<br />
but i want it to say<br />
<br />
This text<br>is all on one line<!--content-->You need to code it like this:<br />
<br />
This text<br>is all on one line <br />
<br />
because:<br />
< = <<br />
> = ><!--content-->i know that, but im almost sure i remember reading about a specific tag that just makes it so it doesnt evalute tags.<!--content-->I could be wrong, but I don't think so...<!--content-->There is a tag, but it's not HTML. You're much better off using the entities.<!--content-->