I bought donkeypunchrodeo.com (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.donkeypunchrodeo.com">http://www.donkeypunchrodeo.com</a><!-- m -->) I put a splash page there for free hosting. But I'm not sure what I really want to do with the domain name.
I originally wanted to buy donkeypunch.com but I could not find the owner.
I don't condone donkey punching and I'm pretty sure it illegal in most states.
But every time you here it it tugs a giggle.
Anyway, does anybody got any ideas? :devil:
I originally wanted to buy donkeypunch.com but I could not find the owner.
I don't condone donkey punching and I'm pretty sure it illegal in most states.
But every time you here it it tugs a giggle.
Anyway, does anybody got any ideas? :devil: