Domain names with out without keywords in them


New Member
When I got my current domain name, I used a system to pick it out that helped me to find the best keywords to include in it, based on competition and demand for that keyword phrase. While there are more words in it than the keyword, I chose the name for that reason at that time. I had read, from several reliable sources that having your main keyword phrase in your domain name would be a good idea.

I am now considering going with Site Build It, which is an online web builder that has a similar process for determining the right keywords to include in my domain name. They encourage me to at least go though their competition and demand system to figure this out, so I can consider changing my domain name.

The problem with changing is that I have finally obtained a page rank of 2 or 3, after months of trying to get any page rank at all. I also have 100 to 200 backlinks, though article directory submissions, plus other backlinks from various sources, that would be lost if I changed domain names. After quite a bit of time with this domain name, what was a great keyword phrase is not even used on the home page anymore, and is now only used on one page on the site. This has happened due to trying to find less competitive keywords, while still trying to use keywords that are popular.

Is it worth changing domain names to one that has a newer, possibly better, keyword in it considering all that has gone into what I have done so far? Another concern that I have is, what if my keywords change again, does that mean I should get yet another domain name?