Dear DP Friends,First of all many thanx to ALL of you because you give so fast and so much GREAT and valuable advice.My question is plain and simple. Today it is extremly difficult to find a valuable domain name. Forget about it to find a ONE keyword domain like, or whatever else. I tried to find a valuable domain for a topic/guide that i wanted to develop and i must confess that it is ALSO difficult to find a good domain with TWO keywords. So i thought maybe or maybe not it is a good idea to go one step further and try to register a domain with THREE keywords. Is a domain with 3 keywords like for example italianpastarecipes(.)com ( just an example ) a good idea? Is it easy to compete against an already high ranked similar domain which has only 2 keywords of the above domain ? What i meas is.. can the domain italianpastarecipes(.)com compete against italianpasta(.)com ? Can domain onlineshoppingguide(.) com compete against onlineshopping(.)com ????The problem is not that i cant find a domain with ONLY TWO keywords. Its just you cant get the keywords that make sense to your topic... so instead of buying a domain with TWO keywords that doesnt sound good maybe i thought better register a domain with THREE keywords.Also you recommend domain names that start with the word MY ? I found that many domain names that start with MY are free to register like mypastarecipe(.)com or mypastarecipes(.)com .... BUT can they compete against pastarecipe(.)com and pastarecipes(.)com which are already well ranked? Of course i dont believe that there is an automatic pilot for success.. i know that it needs content, work, good marketing and good SEO. I would lke to hear your opinnions on this subject.Thanks to allGeorge