Domain name speculators


New Member
NAMEKING.COM, INC. has bought a domain name that I am currently using as a subdomain of a hosting company (my first website, I didn't know what I was doing, but it's done really well, lots of links and traffic).

Let's say the domain is - the name is very specific.

To continue with the example, that company bought "" and ""

The parked domains have a slightly different appearance everytime I reload. But the xwhois doesn't like, the nameking fellows are behind it.

What's going on here? They hope to force me to buy that name from them??? There is a button "inquire about this URL" that sends me to ""

Never! I never will. I'll use hyphens, I'll pluralize, I'll do whatever I need.

It's not like I am a big fish on the web. As flattering as it may be, let them waste their money. I will never buy a domain from these speculators.