Domain name renewal reminder service


New Member
Apologies in advance if this is considered spammy, but I did feel that it was relevant to this forum

I recently lost a domain name due to my isp overlooking renewal notices. Unfortunately the domain was promptly reregistered by an automated program and now hosts a generic adwords spam page on an old PR4 site that i had spent quite a bit of time developing :-( after doing some research I discovered that this is an all to often occurring situation.

As a result I built a system that takes care of tracking all my domains in one place, and offered this service to the isp that lost my original domain :D, have had a few signups since then which makes me believe that it's a required and useful service for domain name owners.

The service is called DomainCPR and is hosted at <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> it isn't free, but i believe it does represent good value for money, i spent quite a bit of time planning it out, users can add multiple clients and domains which makes it useful for resellers, isps, and those of us who have large numbers of domain names registered with multiple registrars.

If anyone has any suggestions, please make them. Again I do apologise if this is considered to be spammy, but I did feel it relevant.

Kind Regards,
