domain name privacy


New Member
The need for whois privacy is surely becoming a vital issue. For corporate domains they may want all contact information readily available via a whois search but for individual owners of digital real estate, privacy is extremely important. Particularity for those webmasters that run forums nad blogs where differences of opinions can potentially lead to real world stalking and confrontation.

Gone are the days when a person could do the 123 Street, Anytown CA 90210 thing because ICANN demands accurate whois info which then gets posted to the world for any whacko to track you down for whatever purposes.

I have approx 100 client and personal domains registered with godaddy that I want to have privacy enabled for whois search protection. The problem is that this feature at godaddy costs $8.00 per year ( sale price at $5.00 for the first year ). At $8 per year that is more than the cost of the renewal for the domain name! IMHO that is an outrageous price to pay to enable the privacy feature. Particularity when dot ca dot ws domains offer the privacy option for free.

I have been with godaddy for years and I like, or am used to the interface etc but I won't pay more than double the costs of domain registration renewals to get privacy.

Dose anyone know of a reliable registrar that offers privacy for free or at a reasonable cost. With this number of domains should I be looking at a reseller account? Does any one think that there is a ethical obligation on the part of a registrar to offer whois privacy to their clients to help keep them out of harms way considering the realities of the internet in 2006?

TIA for any info and opinion.