Ok to my understanding is that when a domain is registered, it becomes active until the person that registered it lets it expire.
In this case then it goes to a 0-45 expired period, then to 30 day redemption period by like Godaddy or any other domain company I suppose. Then a 5 day pending deletion period.
Please anyone stop me if I'm wrong.
I'm assuming that anytime between the expired period to the pending deletion period the person that registered for the domain can renew it??? And if this is the case when does the backorder thing come into play? Is it after it's deleted?
Thanks for the help guys in advance.
In this case then it goes to a 0-45 expired period, then to 30 day redemption period by like Godaddy or any other domain company I suppose. Then a 5 day pending deletion period.
Please anyone stop me if I'm wrong.
I'm assuming that anytime between the expired period to the pending deletion period the person that registered for the domain can renew it??? And if this is the case when does the backorder thing come into play? Is it after it's deleted?
Thanks for the help guys in advance.