Looking for a php script that allows the following:
Various domain names all point to the same IP address.
At that IP address, we run index.php3
Index.php3 talks to a database that contains: two tables: (account, password) (domain, account, html code to display)
When a domain is requested, it hits the IP, and index.php responds with the html code contained in the second table.
*the "html code to display" field would be large - equivalent to a standard html page
Therefore, we can have an unlimited number of domains pointing at a single IP, and have the user's of each domain just edit their database entry in order to edit their single page web site.
Does anyone have any idea where to find something like this, or do I need to get it written?
Various domain names all point to the same IP address.
At that IP address, we run index.php3
Index.php3 talks to a database that contains: two tables: (account, password) (domain, account, html code to display)
When a domain is requested, it hits the IP, and index.php responds with the html code contained in the second table.
*the "html code to display" field would be large - equivalent to a standard html page
Therefore, we can have an unlimited number of domains pointing at a single IP, and have the user's of each domain just edit their database entry in order to edit their single page web site.
Does anyone have any idea where to find something like this, or do I need to get it written?