Domain-Buyers Anonymous


New Member
I feel like I should go to a meeting of domain-buyers anonymous.

I bought two 3 letter domains last night. One is a .nu and the other a .cc. I see there aren't many domains left in the 3 letter range. I'm assuming in a few years they will give a ROI.

I've purchased another 15-20 of them in the last week that are in my market niche (.in, .us, .nu, .cc, .biz, .asia, etc). Right now they are all forwarded to my main product site. I don't see that they are generating any traffic but I'm willing to take a chance as all it takes is one hit from the right person doing a domain search to make money.

I have about $102 left in my account (bought more credit than I ended up needing). Ideas for domains that might be a good one to two year investment?