Domain and Hosting


Staff member
Hey everyone,I'm getting $35 USD I'd like to spend on hosting (over 3 months, so max 11$ a month)My needs would be- At least 1 domain name included. (more would be better)- PHP.- MySql Databases with a decent space limit. (limited only by size of hosting if possible)- 100 GB Space.- 1000 GB Transfer.- Fantastico would be nice, but that's not a dealbreaker.- CPanel X (this is a dealbreaker)- Need to be able to pay by Paypal.If anyone knows of such a place please let me know.I'm also posting this in case any of you are in the hosting business, because hey I'd rather give my money to one of you guys than some company I don't know. So if you have an offer to make PM me.Thanks for reading,HH.