DOM : Set encoding from Cp1252 to UTF-8


New Member
HiI am trying to build a XML Document with DOM that could be parsedfrom Xalan XSL Processor.Creating the Document with a Editor i get the right Result.But when creating the Document with DOM i get following Error Message :person.xml; Line 0; Column 0XSL Error: Could not parse person.xml document!XSL Error: SAX Exceptionorg.apache.xalan.xslt.XSLProcessorException: The encoding "Cp1252" is notsupported.The XML File looks like this :<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Cp1252"?><document><title>Simple PDF Example</title><author>Holger Prause</author><note>The following text was taken from the FO Example File</note><content>Some text</content></document>that why DOM is creating the document with the default Encoding Cp1252How can i set the encoding to "UTF-8" ?I didnt found anything about it :-(Thx,Holger