
... I can't get my webserver upgraded? How would I do the same thing in php4?... I can't get my webserver upgraded? How would I do the same thing in php4?
Hint: In PHP 5 these two lines:

$filelocs = $value->getElementsByTagName("fileloc");
$fileloc = $filelocs->item(0)->nodeValue;
could be written as one:

$fileloc = $value->getElementsByTagName("fileloc")->item(0)->nodeValue;

Another hint that doubles as a tip: you don't need to use a different variable every time.Yea I have to admit I was being a little silly with that question. I wasn't really being clear. I have a script that aggregates rss feeds for an index to my site. I copied this script from an acquaintance. I think he wrote it for php5 and the DOMDocument APIs are all different for 4. And I can't seem to find good documentation for the API version my server is using. Neither the 4 or 5 api documentation matches the errors I'm getting for the DOMDocument constructor. For php5 the constructor requires no aruguments and has a "load" method to load pages from http requests. PHP 4 documentation says that the DOMDocument object takes two string arguments for "version" and "encoding". The version on my server appears to want a string that contains the xml code because it is present an error that says expect "<" tag.

Here is the script. Any advice on porting it to php4 or help with figuring out what version is running on my hosting companies web server would be greatly appreciated.

<table class="hcalendar">

/* date_default_timezone_set("Europe/London"); */

$feeds = array(
"adactio" => "",
"domscripting" => "",
"link" => "",
"picture" => "",
"song" => "",
"message" => ""

$details = array("title","link");

$list = array();

$rss = new DOMDocument();

foreach ($feeds as $name => $feed) {

/* $rss -> load($feed); */
$rss = new DOMDocument();

$items = $rss -> get_elements_by_tagname("item");

foreach ($items as $item) {

$foo = $item -> get_elements_by_tagname("pubDate");
if ($foo -> item(0)) {

$foo = $item -> get_elements_by_tagname("pubDate");
$bar = $foo -> item(0);
$date = $bar -> nodeValue;

} else {

$foo = $item -> get_elements_by_tagname("date");
$bar = $foo -> item(0);
$date = $bar -> nodeValue;
$date = strtotime(substr($date,0,25));

$list[$date]["name"] = $name;

foreach ($details as $detail) {

$foo = $item -> get_elements_by_tagname($detail);
$bar = $foo -> item(0);
$list[$date][$detail] = $bar -> nodeValue;



$day = "";

foreach ($list as $timestamp => $item) {

$this_day = date("F jS",$timestamp);

if ($day != $this_day) {

echo "</tbody>\n";
echo "<thead>\n";
echo "<tr>\n";
echo "<th colspan=\"3\">";
echo $this_day;
echo "</th>\n";
echo "</tr>\n";
echo "</thead>\n";
echo "<tbody>\n";

$day = $this_day;


echo "<tr class=\"vevent ";
echo $item["name"];
echo "\">\n";
echo "<th>";
echo "<abbr class=\"dtstart\" title=\"";
echo date("c",$timestamp);
echo "\">";
echo date("g:ia",$timestamp);
echo "</abbr>";
echo "</th>\n";
echo "<td>";
echo "<a class=\"url summary\" href=\"";
echo $item["link"];
echo "\">";
echo $item["title"];
echo "</a>";
echo "</td>\n";
echo "<td>";
echo "<img src=\"images/";
echo $item["name"];
echo ".gif\" alt=\"";
echo $item["name"];
echo "\" />";
echo "</td>\n";
echo "</tr>\n";


</table>Ah, so it's a totally different problem and hence ought to be in a totally different thread. Probably a different forum, in fact.

PHP 4 and PHP 5 do not use the same DOM extension. PHP 5 uses DOM and PHP 4 used DOMXML. Stuff written for one will not run in the other.

You might also want to use
tags around your PHP code or people won't bother trying to read it.