Dojo toolkit, Binding & partial view (using contentpane)


New Member
I've got problem with ContentPane & Binding.I've got two solution with different structure.My first solution file system :\[code\] - Home.html - MyModule.html - MyView.html\[/code\]Home.html contain Dojo dialog which refers MyModule.html.MyModule.html contain ContentPane which refers MyView.html.MyView.html use binding with dojo/mvc/atWith this structure the binding work on Firefox, Chrome but not on Internet Explorer 8. My second solution file system : \[code\]- Home.html \[/code\]Home.html contain the code which use in MyView.html of the first solution. It use binding with dojo/mvc/at.With this structure the binding work on all browser.why is the first case not working ?You can get the example here :