Dojo: how to delete/destroy a node from NodeList for real


New Member
Here I have a list of node and an identified node that want to remove from the list(both from view and also in memory).\[code\]var currentRow = dojo.query(this).parents("div").first()[0];var parentDiv = dojo.query(currentRow).parents("div").first()[0];var rowList = dojo.query(parentDiv).children();\[/code\]The problem is, \[code\]dojo.destroy(currentRow);\[/code\]only remove the \[code\]currentRow\[/code\] from view, but when I loop the \[code\]rowList\[/code\], from \[code\]firebug\[/code\] I can still see the size of rowList is orginal size without minus the one remove, so it seem stay in memory, so how can we remove a node from nodeList and can return the new nodeList?