Does WebMatrix's IIS Express serve XML files by default?


New Member
Previously I had trouble serving json files with WebMatrix. After members of this community more knowledgeable in this area than myself, informed me to use the following command in command line after navigating to the IIS Express directory.\[code\]appcmd set config /section:staticContent /+[fileExtension='json',mimeType='application/json']\[/code\]Since then, I have had little problem incorporating data from json files for dynamic use in my web applications (when needed).Recently, I thought back to how I could never get data from an XML file (which could potentially replace my need for json). No matter what I tried, it would just never work for me, so.... My question then became, could this be the reason I could never import data from an xml file?Question In ShortDoes IIS Express require configurations set so that it can serve up xml files, like the command shown above (only formatted for xml, instead of json)? If so, what do I put instead of "application/json" (I know fileExtension will be 'xml')?