Does this mean my autoresponder sequence sucks?


New Member
I recently updated my blog and instead of promoting my squeeze page at the top of the page, I promoted a Clickbank Product. I made this change on Wednesday 28th Sep.. I've never made consistant sales like that through my autoresponder sequence, and I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. The content I provide is very high quality, but it seems the "easy" route (Directly promoting CB product) is making me more money. I'm wandering if it's best to only promote my squeeze page at the bottom of my articles, so those people are more likely to opt in and read my lengthy emails. What are your thoughts on this? Do I need to cut down on the size of my emails? (Currently around 800-1000 words each) Quote: Don't sweat the length - if you write an engaging email. If the email isn't interesting, then it doesn't matter how long it is, the effect will be the same. Now, ask yourself, is the email good quality like you say, or can you realistically write something more compelling that resonates better with your audience. Think very hard about who the audience is. Also, does the email series presell the product? A good AR series will be a mix of preselling and just plain good content. And while preselling can make you money , good content that entertains and informs can go a long way to building your credibility and a relationship with your people. Make the email intriguing and something the reader can't pull away from...I think 800-1,000 words might be too long but if it provides really good value and is interesting it doesn't matter how many words you make it. Can you give us a link to the site so we can sign up for the emails and see? Maybe use some more eye popping headers to grab the attention of your reader. People get a lot of email from a lot of sources, make yourself stand out long enough for the reader to stop clicking "next" and read what you have written. Try to shorten your email with an offer on how to learn more, or a link to post that continues what the email was about on your website. If that doesn't work, maybe rethink your squeeze page. People use many different squeeze pages, especially when one goes stale. Don't judge your emails by the money you make. Look at CTR - if it's too low, then your emails definitely need improving. However, if email CTR is good but sales are low, then you're promoting the wrong thing. Hope that helps What's the open rates of your email? There can be a few possible causes.1) your title does not promote curiosity and is not entertaining enough2) your email might have quality, but does it pre sell your product?3) are the people that opt in the target audience you want?