does this look right?


Hey all, <br />
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I have just created a new home page, but i don't really know if the layout looks all that great. Please take a look and see if there is anthing i should do to make the page look better.<br />
<br /> (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... /Main.HTML</a><!-- m -->) <br />
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Thanx<!--content-->I suggest that you put in an HTML declaration so that you can validate it to see your mistakes.<br />
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Also note that it looks very small in 1024x768 so I might say that you might want to make it exandable by using percents.<!--content-->I am fixing the HTML in dreamweaver right now, and i will put in percents as soon as i can. But how do the colors look?<!--content-->I really like the colors. I just dislike how theirs that empty space. It will look great once those percents are applied and that space is gone.<br />
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I like the CSS links too! :D<br />
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EDIT<br />
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Forgot to mention that I like the top graphic too! :D<!--content-->hey, i fixed most of the HTML in dreamweaver, but my tables still have errors in them! If anyone could help me with my tables that would be awsome. Thanx;)<!--content-->A few [errors (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... ine=1&sp=1</a><!-- m -->)] to fix up still.<br />
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<!- ********************** is not valid. Comments must begin <!-- and end --> instead.<br />
Add type="text/javascript" to all <script> tags.<br />
The <style> information should be within the <head> section.<br />
Too many bodies in: <BODY BODY code.<br />
Too many "quotes" in the code: BGCOLOR="#000000"" <br />
You missed out the Table Data tags in this code: <tr> <image src="logo.gif"> </tr><br />
There are a lot of other nesting errors in the table code.<br />
Are you sure this is spelt correctly: valighn="top"<br />
What about this one: hieght="100" - schurely schum mischtake here.<br />
Add type="text/css" to all <style> tags, and move all style code into the <head> section.<br />
Check element nesting inside the table. It is not correct.<!--content-->Thanx.... i'll try to fix all of my errors;)<br />
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"schurely schum mischtake" hey giz where did you learn how to spell?:rolleyes:<br />
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all i wanted was help, not your criticism<!--content-->