HELP!!!. my client is virtually hosting and the admins at his ISP are idiots. I had to install PHP 4.04 for them, not including al the libraries I needed for GD.. I can tell you I am going nuts..
I created a db callled personal - I can access and edit from the shell.. however, whenever with my php connect script...
code ---
// date right now to display on left sidebar
$now = date("F d, Y");
// database connect
if (! $db) {
$db = pg_connect("dbname=personal, user=myuser password=mypw, port=5583 ");
if (! $db) {
// $newhead = "Location: ./error.php?e=" . urlencode ("Database Error");
echo "DB ERROR";
// header($newhead);
echo "DB conn";
if(!isset($cartID)) {
// generates cart id number//or session id
$cartID = md5(uniqid(rand()));
$session = $cartID;
I get the following error..
Mind you I have checked for spelling, caps and all that. Also, this user does have permission to access that db.. Even user HTTPD.
Warning: Unable to connect to PostgreSQL server: FATAL 1: Database personal, does not exist in pg_database in /home/sites/site1/web/store2/includes/connect.php on line 11
The version of Postgres is 6.5.2.. I know they should upgrade but, I do not have those privlages.. I am stuck please help me out..
I created a db callled personal - I can access and edit from the shell.. however, whenever with my php connect script...
code ---
// date right now to display on left sidebar
$now = date("F d, Y");
// database connect
if (! $db) {
$db = pg_connect("dbname=personal, user=myuser password=mypw, port=5583 ");
if (! $db) {
// $newhead = "Location: ./error.php?e=" . urlencode ("Database Error");
echo "DB ERROR";
// header($newhead);
echo "DB conn";
if(!isset($cartID)) {
// generates cart id number//or session id
$cartID = md5(uniqid(rand()));
$session = $cartID;
I get the following error..
Mind you I have checked for spelling, caps and all that. Also, this user does have permission to access that db.. Even user HTTPD.
Warning: Unable to connect to PostgreSQL server: FATAL 1: Database personal, does not exist in pg_database in /home/sites/site1/web/store2/includes/connect.php on line 11
The version of Postgres is 6.5.2.. I know they should upgrade but, I do not have those privlages.. I am stuck please help me out..