Does MSXMLDOM create 'disconnected' IXmlDomNode objects?


New Member
Hi all,Consider this peiece of code:Dim objDom As DOMDocument30Dim objNode As IXMLDOMNodeSet objDom = New DOMDocument30With objDom.async = False.loadXML "<x><test>value</test></x>"Set objNode = .firstChild.selectSingleNode("test")End WithMsgBox objNode.xmlSet objDom = NothingMsgBox objNode.parentNode.xmlThe last two MsgBox()es give me output w/o any error. Does that mean thatthe XMLDomdocument is capable of keeping not only its child nodes in memory,but the whole DomDocument?Is that a benifit or a drawback. I was actually about to use this 'feature'in storing my objects' data. Should I or should I not go ahead??Help?Rohit