does maxPostSize apply to multipart/form-data file uploads


New Member
I have a webapp on a Tomcat server that allows files to be uploaded. There is a limit on the size of a file upload, and I'd like that limit to be enforced preemptively (ie, once you cross the limit, the file upload fails, rather than transferring the whole file, checking that it's too big and then sending an error). I tried to do this by add \[code\]maxPostSize="1000"\[/code\] to the connector section in the relevant connector in server.xml, but I can still upload larger files. I've seen a post indicating that maxPostSize only works for a specific content type.So my question is whether what I'm doing is supposed to work. Is my limit not having an effect because I've configured Tommcat wrong, or because that field just isn't applied to the kind of post that I'm doing?