We are going to build a huge knowledge/usermanual/faq databases and there would be accordingly 1000+ page that have real/orginal content.However i am really curious about the amounts of the subpages, since google started to banning the high pr sites that have 1k-10k subpages at he last updates:-Some sites that have over 1k subpages with the same content banned from google index and their pr's have been erased -even the high pr sites that have over 1k subpages with real content , their pr lowered very badly at the last updates.Maybe since this was applied to all of the sites, it doesnt matter that the subpages pr's lowered , because this wont change the ranks since it was for all the competitors however i can not understand it with it details.Does internal links structure would cause that ?:Am i have to limit the internal links on the new design?Does google understand Folder Structure? ie. Html > Information > Support > KnowledgeBase > FaqSales > Guarantees > FaqControl Panel > Cpanel - Ensim ...I mean could google give good points if we made a good folder-link structure by categorising like that or do we have to linking all the subpages from the main pages and linking from the all the subpages to the main pages?Whats more that can you suggest for not to be banned because of hell of subpages and keep their PR's with 1-2 minus than homepage pr ?I would reccomendhttp://www.yourdomain.com =100 pageshttp://subsection.yourdomain.com =100 pageshttp://subsection2.yourdomain.com =100 pagesETCthat should do the trick.Oh really thank you very much , i could not think that lol altough they were ready with pr of 4 but by this was google tought they are not subpages but other sites and so will google tought the sub sites are main domain contents or they are completely different sites?You know the total content of a web site does really matter for rankings.title fixed -- please do not use all caps in your topic titles. Thanks.Quote:If I wanted to build a large data directory, I would look at the largest knowledge base in the world ... Microsoft.They use a combination of servers (office.microsoft.com), and directories (http://www.microsoft.com/windows) without penalty.I have created graphs of link structures for several large sites, you might want to look at those as well ... http://www.mrktcity.com/viewlink.htmlThe higher the PR you have the more pages google will index on your site.microsoft=PR10they dont have the same problems.Maybe I should make myself clear ... I thought I was answering his question.Quote:I wouldn't use MS as an exmple since people link to it naturally....they don't need to use SEO tactics to get good PR/Rankings...and their site is laid out very poorly...they use naviagtion that is not readable by SE's...especially in the knowledge base.....I'm sure they use different servers to balance the traffic load but the example you are showing uses subdomains....technically they could all sit on the same server. I would look at directory sites to get a good idea of how to architect a huge site.Finally i have completed the huge knowledgebase, now there are 3 pages that have 160 - 70 - 80 links to the subpages but i am afraiding to upload them... For the truth our ranks just got better now and if they bag into deep again i think i cant stand this failure anymore.Will those three pages make the whole site banned just because they have over 50 links to the subpages?P.S. Those pages are not really just for Google ranking but very important for visitors so please do not offer scattering them to the multiple pages if i got any negative answer i will erase the url from the linking (directoy file linking).We looked at this very question a while back ... phaugh wroteQuote:Quote:But lets look at the yahoo.com homepage:Internal Links: 219External Links: 7 = 226and the searchenginewatch.com homepageInternal Links: 38External Links: 80 = 118They are directly about "search engine" and when i search at the Google for "search engine"1-searchenginewatch.com5-yahoo.com6-google (only 6 links on the homepage)it seems like Google does not bann pages with over 100 links but it gives more rank i think i have to bet againI don't think it is a technical limit for Google ... 100 links per page.Your site will NOT be banned, and your ranking will depend on CONTENT, not link pages.I think the limit has more to do with how worthless the PR value is after 100 pages. Remember PR is divided among the links on a page.Quote:All your pages will get spidered presuming you can achieve a natural PR6. I would keep everything on the same domain and possibly use folders. The more pages in a domain the bigger your "base rank" is though not PR accross your pages and these pages maybe lower in PR but you can idnore that because its ranking that counts not PR.