Does Google crawl iframe as part of parent


New Member
Hi all. My first of many posts to come.Question. Does Google or any other search engine crawl iframe content as part of the parent html? Or it looks at it as seperate sees it as a seperate page. You can get your iframes indexed by putting a site map page with links to each iframe. otherwise I don't know if they will get indexed.Thx for swift reply. Well if iframe doesn't do it then maybe u know of a way how to accomplish what I need and thet would be......I have (am trying to have) a site with two versions of the same thing. One will be flash and the other will be plain html version. To make my life easier I'd like both versions to obtain the data from within the same file (external XML or similar). I suppose it could be done with perl or PHP but I'm not good at neither one of them. Well, maybe I could tain PHP if that's the only way.i know google does index frames and iframes but does not index properly unless there is clear links to each ifram as mentioned above.the problem i found with using iframes google tends to index the iframe page and not the page with the ifram in.It would be pretty easy in php. All you need to do is put the content in a text file and use a php include to reference that content. It then just depends on how you want to use the content for the flash. Give us an example of what type of content you wnat to include for the flash and for the static html?You can visit my site at to see what I wanna do. It's only on Croatian at the moment but I'm sure you'll get the picture. Everything that's below the menu and above the footer should be obtained from external file(s). The problem is that this part must have a static height value as I don't want to have just a flash menu and a flash footer as two seperate swfs. Flash version will be full flash (one file). Thx for all your help.