to pass a single value from one frame in a web page to three frames on that same web page (four frames total), I have been trying to figure this out for a while and still don't have nothing So please HELP!! Thank you for your time.I'm not entirely clear on what you were meaning, but you can access other frames like this in javascript<BR><BR>window.frames(0).location.href=""<BR><BR>so to pass a parameter you could do:<BR><BR>window.frames(0).location.href="pagename0.asp?parameter=value"<BR>window.frames(1).location.href="pagename1.asp?parameter=value"I have in frame(1) a datagrid that is use to select the value to pass to the other frames, I have a hyperlink for the value. Frame(2) has text fields to be populate by the record that is chosen, and frame (3) and (4) are datagrids that are going to be filled base on the record selected in the 1st frame. does that help a bit to let you know where I want to pass the value too.Well, if I understand what you are trying to do here's what you need to do (roughly):<BR><BR>The link in frame(1) needs to be something like <A href="#" onClick="clickLink(2)">Click here</A> where "2" is the data for each row that you want to pass. Then you need a javascript function like:<BR><BR><BR><BR>function clickLink(val){<BR>window.frames(1).location.href="framePage1?passValue=" + val<BR>window.frames(2).location.href="framePage2?passValue=" + val<BR>window.frames(3).location.href="framePage3?passValue=" + val<BR>}<BR><BR>Does that make sense? It's like clicking a link that affects a different frame, except it does it in each of the frames. You can read in the passed value with Request.Querystring("passValue") in the receiving pages.<BR><BR>On a side note, is there any reason these each need to be a frame? Might be a lot easier to manage if you just pulled them all into one page.