Does a WordPress blog page carry more weight than a post?


New Member
I already have a few posts on candle-making on my blog and am planning on adding some on jewelry-making. I'm wondering if publishing it as a page instead of just as a series of posts under a category would help in terms of SEO. In all honesty it doesn't really make a huge difference as you can engineer SEO benefits either way.

The real question should be 'which would be better for the user?'. If it makes sense to have a page on jewellery-making on your site, then have a page on it. This of course does not mean you can't also write a few blog posts about it as well. In fact it may actually make sense to supplement the jewellery-making page with some tutorials and more specific information in a series of posts. blog post and page are basically same thing; its just the technical architecture that differentiates them.

as per SEO they wont really make any difference. I agree with both. It's not really for the SE robots but for the user and yourself. Which would make more sense and would be easier to manage for you. If you have already categorized them, just use custom menus to organize them into your navigation. Keep the experience naturaly for the intended audience. If it is information which then setup a page, but if it is news then use the blog. Thanks for the responses. I've never been quite sure what the benefits of building a "page" might be. I suppose that if it made it easier for a reader to find exactly what s/he's looking for, it would be a more logical way to organize a series of "lessons", which is what I have in mind. A page is something a user can access faster from your nav bar.
A post disappears (generally) from your homepage after a time and
finding it could be sometimes difficult. I think SEO wise adding content in either ways give you same benefit.
Since your pages belongs to different niche, i would advice you to make category pages so that you can and your readers can easily sift the content depending upon their interests. I don't think it will create a huge difference.The most important is are you posting quality content and some useful stuff for your visitors?
Thanks Page is better for marketing purposes but they seem to be the same for SEO.