I have the following on my site:-
document.write("<tr " + color + ">");
document.write("<td width=10% align=center valign=top><small><b>"+ShowCount);
document.write("<td width=75% align=left ><small>"+ToDoItem);
document.write("<td width=15% align=center><small>"+"<a href='http://www.webdeveloper.com/forum/archive/index.php/javascripteleteItem(" + Count + ")'>Delete</a>");
The bit that reads:
document.write("<td width=75% align=left ><small>"+ToDoItem);
collects information from a cookie and displays it in a table...
Can I have this information displayed with a pop-up link and small image where the link and image has the same file name as the "ToDoItem"
i.e. if "ToDoItem" returned the value "Item_one"
then I would want the text "Item_one" displayed (as it already does) linked to Item_one.htm and then an image Item_one.jpg displayed
I tried:
document.write("<td width=25% align=left ><small><img src=http://www.webdeveloper.com/forum/archive/index.php/"+ToDoItem);+".jpg width=26 height=18>
for the image thing but I'm not much of an expert on javascript & it didn't work (I think it's something to do with having the " 's in the wrong place)
Hope someone can help
document.write("<tr " + color + ">");
document.write("<td width=10% align=center valign=top><small><b>"+ShowCount);
document.write("<td width=75% align=left ><small>"+ToDoItem);
document.write("<td width=15% align=center><small>"+"<a href='http://www.webdeveloper.com/forum/archive/index.php/javascripteleteItem(" + Count + ")'>Delete</a>");
The bit that reads:
document.write("<td width=75% align=left ><small>"+ToDoItem);
collects information from a cookie and displays it in a table...
Can I have this information displayed with a pop-up link and small image where the link and image has the same file name as the "ToDoItem"
i.e. if "ToDoItem" returned the value "Item_one"
then I would want the text "Item_one" displayed (as it already does) linked to Item_one.htm and then an image Item_one.jpg displayed
I tried:
document.write("<td width=25% align=left ><small><img src=http://www.webdeveloper.com/forum/archive/index.php/"+ToDoItem);+".jpg width=26 height=18>
for the image thing but I'm not much of an expert on javascript & it didn't work (I think it's something to do with having the " 's in the wrong place)
Hope someone can help