Document not saveing when Created Using the Open XML Format SDK 2.0 CTP


New Member
I want to create an excel document based on a template using Open XML Format SDK 2.0.I have followed this tutorial Creating Documents by Using the Open XML Format SDK 2.0 CT.My problem is that the rows and cells i put in to the document doesn't get saved. When I open the document it looks just like the template.There is no exceptions thrown when I run my code. I figure I have to force the changes to be saved in the document, but I cant figure out how.Here's some of my code:\[code\] public static void GenerateExcelReportToDisk() { var factory = new Factory(); var generated = "result.xlsx"; var newFile = Util.GetReportTargetPath() + generated; var templateFile = Util.GetReportTemplatePath() + @"template.xlsx"; File.Copy(templateFile, newFile, true); using (var myWorkbook = SpreadsheetDocument.Open(newFile, true)) { var workbookPart = myWorkbook.WorkbookPart; var worksheetPart = workbookPart.WorksheetParts.First(); var sheetData =<SheetData>(); //Get data var data = factory.GetAllFixtures().Take(20); int rowIndex = 3; foreach (var fixture in data) { var pcRate = fixture.PCRate; var account = fixture.Charter != null ? fixture.Charter.Shortname : null; var region = fixture.Region != null ? fixture.Region.GroupName : null; //CreateContentRow is exactly like the tutorial linked above. var row = CreateContetRow(rowIndex, region, pcRate, account); rowIndex++; sheetData.AppendChild(row); } //Tried to add myWorkbook.WorkbookPart.Workbook.Save(); here, but it doesn't do anything myWorkbook.Close(); }\[/code\]