I have many problems which can be be individually solved but while solving one, some others appear. I need some hints to solve all of them in one place. Check the sites while further reading; (this site is under development)1 - http://www.okulsistemi.com/dgssl/index.html
2 - http://www.okulsistemi.com/dgssl/worse.htmlThe only difference between them is that, worse.html has a DOCTYPE HTML declaration. What I want to make is what you can see with firefox (I use FF 17.0.1). No problems with index.html using Firefox. Expected behaviours (as they are with firefox) are; 1 - Scalable fonts, images and all visible elements on wiewport resize, 2 - Dynamic same-orign or cross-domain content loading, 3 - Transparent backgrounds and rgba based background opacity ....PROBLEMS (click flag, animated gif, round logo on the right at top of the page or last item on top menu to see the paroblems. FF does it correctly without doctype declartion)without DOCTYPTE declarion (index.html)- Firefox has no problems
2 - http://www.okulsistemi.com/dgssl/worse.htmlThe only difference between them is that, worse.html has a DOCTYPE HTML declaration. What I want to make is what you can see with firefox (I use FF 17.0.1). No problems with index.html using Firefox. Expected behaviours (as they are with firefox) are; 1 - Scalable fonts, images and all visible elements on wiewport resize, 2 - Dynamic same-orign or cross-domain content loading, 3 - Transparent backgrounds and rgba based background opacity ....PROBLEMS (click flag, animated gif, round logo on the right at top of the page or last item on top menu to see the paroblems. FF does it correctly without doctype declartion)without DOCTYPTE declarion (index.html)- Firefox has no problems
- ie8/9can not scale some items and fonts correctlycan not use opacity (rgba or other ways)can not cover background image
- Explorer (solves visual problems without doctype) but;has the same problems as FFmarquee at the top of page dissappears