Doctrine YAML generates Datetime instead of Timestamp


New Member
\[code\]Category: columns: id: type: integer(11) primary: true autoincrement: true unsigned: true name: type: string(255) notnull: trueactAs: Timestampable: created: name: created_at type: timestamp format: Y-m-d H:i:s updated: name: updated_at type: timestamp format: Y-m-d H:i:s\[/code\]Hi everyone!Here is my schema.yml and the problem is that when I run doctrine buil-all-reload it generates database but instead of timestamp it adds datetime. Why?
This migh be another question but since it is closely related I will ask here. I wanted to use timestamp because of \[code\]on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP\[/code\] Is there another way of doing such thing in Zend or Doctrine?