Doctrine postSave, postUpdate and Internationalization (detect modification)


New Member
I'm having a little problem with a tables that are using the i18n behaviour on a Symfony 1.4 project that I'm developing. For example on the following model defined on YAML (I have others that follow the same pattern):\[code\]Subject: actAs: Timestampable: ~ I18n: fields: [name] columns: name: { type: string(255), notnull: true } relations: Publications: class: Publication refClass: PublicationSubject local: subject_id foreign: publication_id\[/code\]I only have the name field that is internationalized but on save (after altering one of the languages on a form) the postUpdate($event) method doesn't get triggered. I thought, well I can use the postSave($event) method and check if it is modified but it also always returns false. So how do I detect if a Internationalized Doctrine model got modified?Thanks in advance ;)