Doctrine 2 preUpdate event - not triggered on insert?


New Member
I have a bunch of entities with both a date_created and date_modified field, and I'm attempting to have these fields automatically set themselves on insert or update. date_created is only set at insert, but date_modified is set at both insert or update.I have a method in my entity class with a @PreUpdate annotation, but it only seems to get called when an entity is updated. It is not called when a new entity is inserted. The documentation says this about the preUpdate event:"The preUpdate event occurs before the database update operations to entity data."Is this correct behavior? If so, what is the best way to have a method called before both update or insert? Currently if I tag the method with both @PreUpdate and @PrePersist then it works, but I'm not sure if this is optimal:\[code\]/** * @PreUpdate * @PrePersist */public function beforeSave(){ if (!$this->getCreatedAt()) { $this->setCreatedAt(new \DateTime()); } $this->setModifiedAt(new \DateTime());}\[/code\]